Fitness Friday

Saturday: Went on a rather crazy little hike with my friend and three dogs. Most of our time was spent untangling leashes because my two hooligans are almost never walked on a leash and therefore do not know leash etiquette. The dogs had a blast swimming in the bay and getting sand EVERYWHERE. Later that afternoon, T and I went for a run that turned into 2.5 miles…!! I haven’t run that distance since my 5K in November. I know for many people that distance is practically nothing, but for me it was such an accomplishment. Granted I didn’t run the whole thing, but I completed it!

IMG_6405Sunday: T and I (and the dogs) ran about 1.5 miles in the cold gray drizzle. My legs hurt from the day before so this run was very hard.

Monday: Did a 20ish minute yoga routine that focused on my arms and shoulders. This gave my legs a nice and needed break.

Tuesday: Ran 1.5 miles – included some speed work. I didn’t write anything down, but basically I ran 0.10 mi fast (for me) and then walked or jogged for about a minute or so. I “bookended” the run with a warm up jog of 3 minutes and a cool down jog of 2 minutes. 18:22 time.


Wednesday: 1 mile – 10:33 – followed by 15-minute core conditioning class.

Thursday: 2 miles in 24:24. The arch in my left foot started to bother me…

Friday: My arch is still bothering me today. It’s not painful, just feels pulled/feels like there’s pressure there. So instead of running, I biked 6 miles.

Next week

Saturday and Sunday: It’s supposed to rain all weekend so T and I probably are going to try out part of Insanity. He’s been doing it but I haven’t, so we’ll probably start with the fit test. Depending on how my foot is and how the weather cooperates, maybe we will squeeze in a short run.

Monday: 1.75 miles

Tuesday: 2.25 miles

Wednesday: 1.25 miles and 15-minute core conditioning class

Thursday: 2 miles

Friday: No time for the gym! Hope to squeeze in some yoga in the evening.


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